When we propose to lose weight, one of the important steps is diet but also exercise. At that point we look for the most effective types of weight loss exercises. We have to keep in mind that the diet is a fundamental part of the weight loss process, because if we do not eat in a balanced way it will not matter what type of exercise we do.
We must also remember that not all bodies are created equal, so an exercise can be very effective for one person but harmful for another. For example, you can learn how to do Pilates to lose weight.
When we try to find our top 10 very effective weight loss exercises, we have to take into account which parts of our body we want to work.
We know that exercise is essential for overall health, but when it comes to losing weight, it becomes even more important. We can perform exercises in a gym or in a park as well as our own home. If we choose to perform the exercises at home, we can always feel a little more comfortable and comfortable but we will not have the vigilance that a gym monitor, for example, cannot provide.
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How to find the 10 exercises to lose weight very effective for our body
The most important thing for us to set a goal, because once we are clear about what we want to achieve we can get the way to achieve it. If we are starting an exercise routine on a regular basis, or if we already exercise but want to change or improve our exercises, there are important things we should know before creating our new routine.
Not only is it important to find that exercise that helps us lose weight very effectively, but we also get the most out of it in the shortest possible time. We must remember that our body gets used to our diet and our exercises very quickly, so we must change our routine every two or three months to achieve greater changes.
We must also know what type of exercise we are going to do, because if it is intense, we must feed our body before carrying it out because if we do not lose fat, it will be like not having done any exercise.
What You Need
• An exercise routine of any kind.
• Comfortable clothes that allow us all kinds of movement we want to make.
• It is also important the type of footwear, what is advisable not to use the same all activities or exercise.
• We keep I have always treated with isotonic water or drink.
• Take with us in case we need something a caloric intake while we train.
• A place to perform our exercises.
• Optionally we can accompany music that does not serve as extra motivation.
- Always perform lunges: This is the ideal site and works with many muscles at once; When we perform this exercise, we are working effectively on our weight loss because by starting our body with this exercise, we will burn many calories. The ideal is to do series of days repetitions with each leg is to perform a total of 3 series. A simple movement: Place your hands on your hips and take a controlled step forward with one of your legs. We must keep the spine completely straight and begin to lower our body towards the front leg, positioning all our weight on this leg, trying to form an angle of 90 degrees.
- Burpees have arrived: If there is an exercise par excellence ideal for losing weight and burning calories are burpees; This exercise will get us to feel how we burn calories from our fingers to our toes. We will achieve this by performing 12 repetitions each series until performing 3. All we have to do is squat, with our back straight, and then put our hands on the floor with our weight on them as if we were going to do a push-up. Then, we will have to return to the squatting position with a small jump to, a few seconds later, jump explosively in the air and land again squatting.
- The lunges “explosive”: When we perform a high intensity workout and want to late a fast and effective way, this exercise does not sweat a lot and burn the main calories of a thing food in a faster way; This exercise consists of starting with our feet together in our hands on the ladder, we must take a step forward with one of our legs, for example the right. Then we must bend, with all our weight on that leg, until reaching an angle of 90 degrees and jump up changing legs in the air, so we must finish with the left leg in front and the right behind. We can perform series of this exercise but not counting the repetitions, but doing it for one minute of time.
- The famous squats: The best known exercise in the world to lose weight, but it is also one of the worst performed. We are facing an exercise that allows us to burn calories in a simple way and with a uniform rhythm, we can perform a maximum of three sets with 15 repetitions each within our exercise routine. Doing a squat is easy, it consists of placing our feet at the height of our hips and the arms long of our body. Next, we must keep our weight on our heels and begin to lower our legs, until they form a right angle, and raise our arms to the height of our shoulders in front of our face, always keeping our back straight.
- The squats taken to another level: Aunt our traditional squats and add a jump and a lunge, we will do the ideal exercise so that our heart rate increases burn more calories than we imagine. This exercise will include our abs, our legs and our buttocks, so we can burn fat from all these areas, while toning them. All we have to do is perform a squat cover and get up as if we were jumping but land as if we will start performing a lunge. This is an exercise that can be performed during two sets not with repetitions but for a certain time, for example, 45 seconds the series.
- The exercise known as the mountaineer: whether you use resistance bands or not, this exercise is gaining followers every second that passes and is a great way to burn calories and lose weight. It is very simple since we must look for a stable point, how can a sofa be some machines in a gym, place our legs as stirrups. The goal is, alternatively, to bring our knees to the chest without allowing the toes of the bent leg to touch the ground. We can do this exercise for one minute and rest 20 seconds, for 3 sets in a row.
- Jumping scissors with dumbbells: We are used to performing basic exercises, but if we want them to be more effective, we must difficulty. The jumps of scissors are very simple we can add the complexity of dumbbells, and thus we will get our slimming process more effective. Start with the dumbbells up to your shoulders and feet together, and there will come a time when you will have to raise the weights up with your arms fully extended. At the same time, you will have to jump and open your legs out, continuing with this effort for 20 seconds. The ideal is to perform 8 series of 20 seconds each, with 10 seconds of rest between each of them.
- Jumping rope: an activity that we can do to have fun, can help us on our way to weight loss, becoming one of the most effective exercises in our exercise routine. The challenge of jumping for an entire minute, without stopping, we may burn more calories than in our entire exercise routine. Check the length of your jump rope by holding it in your hands and making sure you can handle it without hurting yourself. Start with your feet together and holding the ends of the rope and remember that your elbows should be at the height of your ribs. Performing 3 sets of a duration of one minute is ideal to burn enough calories.
- Body weight exercises: These exercises are very important as they make our heart pump blood and our muscles activate. Keep our body active even when we are not exercising. We can start by making burpees by adding at the end this pair of scissors instead of a simple jump. We can also perform push-ups, for 3 sets of repetitions each, and even push-ups bend the knee and bring it closer to the opposite arm. In this way we will be able to strengthen our arms and legs while burning calories and toning our muscles.
- Do exercises with stairs: Both going up and down stairs is scientifically proven to be more effective than for example running. That is why a good exercise to lose weight that keeps us losing weight, is to perform bottom while we climb stairs or go down. It is a cardio exercise, so it offers us the same benefits as any cardiovascular exercise, so we will lose weight and strengthen our heart and lungs as well.
• It takes only two weeks to lose motivation, so even if we are not very motivated or motivated, we must keep trying a little more, even on holidays, since we only need 21 days for it to become a habit.
• We cannot work a certain point, that is, you cannot burn the fat of an area of the body, for example the wrist, with a single exercise, it is best to accompany it with other exercises so that everything is in balance.
• We must exercise in a controlled and maintained manner over time, so we will get our immune system to stay at high performance.
• Use music to help accelerate your pace, that is, it has been proven that it helps us move and concentrate our energy on the exercises we are doing, so we will get more performance out of our workouts.
• Perform shorter but more intense workouts, these will be more effective than long workouts.
• Do not forget to stretch, before and after performing your exercise routines, to avoid injuries and prepare our muscles for exercise.
• We burn more calories during the 23 hours that we are not exercising than during our routines, which is why we have to know how to make the balanced combination between all our exercises.
• Look with exercises to increase your metabolic rate, so your metabolism will be active all the time and you will burn more calories throughout the day.
• Remember that exercise also helps us in a beneficial way when it comes to getting rid of stress, depression, bad thoughts, etc. So, exercising, even if it is at a low level, should always be in our day to day.
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